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What is open data

It is a set of general data - machine-readable - that is available to all visitors to the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah website without technical or material restrictions and in multiple formats to facilitate its processing and reuse, which aims to enhance participation and raise the level of knowledge. Users of that data must review the usage policy to see any updates to it

Key principles of open data

Origin in Data is Availability

Availability of discloseable data of the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah and enable access to or use of it through the electronic portal of the Ministry or the National Open Data portal or both

Open format and machine readability

Providing open data in machine-readable formats (CSV, XLS)

Data freshness

Publish the latest version of the available data periodically every year


Availability of open data that is comprehensive and includes as much detail as possible


Make open data available to everyone and do not require to log in

Free of charge

Make open data available to everyone for free

Open data license in the Kingdom

Availability of open data is based on a systematic basis

Develop the government model and get everyone involved

Enable the sharing of open data in order to enhance transparency and integration with different entities

Comprehensive development and innovation

Provide business models of open data to help users reuse data

  Open data users

The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah allows portal users to view open data, and they have the right to use this data at their own risk, and this right is guaranteed to all beneficiaries.

Data Users Responsibility

• The use of open data in the portal is considered an endorsement by the user To abide by the terms and conditions of the open data reuse policy.
• Be a data user The open is responsible for re -use of data in the Ministry's electronic portal, and it should not result from Reuse of this data any errors relating to the content, source and date of the data.
• You must be The results of the studies that are published are free from errors regarding the validity, integrity and accuracy of the data.

Ministry responsibility

The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah disclaims its responsibility for any damage or misuse suffered by the user as a result of using this open data on the official website of the Ministry. The Ministry also disclaims any responsibility towards the users of this data, and any damage or loss that may occur to them due to its reuse.

  Terms of Reuse

• The user must not misrepresent this data or its source
• This data must not be used for political purposes or to support illegal, criminal, racist activity, fuel, negatively influence culture, equality, or incitement Or any activity that is illegal or contrary to the customs and traditions of the Kingdom.
• When using this data, it is necessary to indicate its source (the electronic portal of the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah).
• The source of the information that has been reused must be indicated by placing a link on the ministry's electronic portal to preserve the intellectual property of the data, its credibility, and the validity of its source.

  How to use open data

The Open Data Library has many file formats that can be viewed or downloaded, and you may need to install some products so that you can make the most of that data.
The following is an explanation of each file format and how to benefit from it:
XLS:They are files that contain an Excel table, and you can view these tables by installing an Excel browser program for free
CSV:You can open these files with many tools such as Microsoft Excel, Notepad, etc.

Hajj statistics for five years



According to the records of the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah. For pilgrims inside and outside

Modification date 12/02/2020

Number of Umrah companies and institutions



To see the number of Umrah companies and institutions licensed by the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah

Modification date 12/02/2020

Statistics of pilgrims numbers



According to the records of the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah. For pilgrims inside and outside

Modification date 12/02/2020

Number of carriers



You can see the number and names of land transport companies inside Saudi Arabia

Modification date 12/02/2020

Data of domestic pilgrims companies



See all data of domestic pilgrims companies

Modification date 12/02/2020

Data of foreign pilgrims companies



See all data of companies for pilgrims abroad

Modification date 12/02/2020

Number of carriers



See all data of domestic pilgrims companies

Modification date 12/02/2020

Statistics of pilgrims numbers



According to the records of the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah. For pilgrims inside and outside

Modification date 12/02/2020

You can request the data and statistics you want and you will receive it on your Email

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