
That the journey of Hajj and Umrah and the visit be legalized, easy and easy in an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, so that it remains a special and wonderful memory in the memory of the pilgrim, the pilgrim, and the visitor. .


The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah works in the performance of its duties in coordination with government and private agencies to facilitate the procedures for performing the rituals, and controlling and legalizing the service through developing systems and employing technology and raising the efficiency of workers serving the pilgrims, and completing the infrastructure with the aim of providing religious hospitality with international standards .

Our Goals

Work to improve the services provided to pilgrims and pilgrims.

Developing the works of the rafting profession, agency and indication, and the inner pilgrimage using the latest technology means.

Working on making the Hajj easy and facilitating through the human and technical efforts provided.

Upgrading the skills of field service workers to ensure distinguished services for pilgrims and Umrah pilgrims, by adopting distinct and effective training programs.

Coordination with all relevant authorities to facilitate the performance of pilgrims, pilgrims and visitors to their rituals.

Work in accordance with the values and teachings of the tolerant Islamic faith to provide distinguished services.

Consolidate efforts to motivate the citizen, in turn, to contribute, as much as he can, in serving the Guests of Allah, whether commissioned or volunteer.

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